Answered By: Ayanda Qomfo
Last Updated: Nov 29, 2018     Views: 31

Question :

Hi I have been told that the library knows who on campus certifies IDs and when. Can you advise? Thanks

Answer :

There is no Commissioner of Oaths in the library, the librarians are not authorized to administer oaths or affidavits.

However librarians can certify copies of original documents.

Term time: If you want copies certified please go to the right of the Short Loans desk on Level 1 and bring the copies together with the original documents!

Vac & Swot week: Librarians on the various levels can help you

Students/Visitors needing to have an oath or affidavit administered can go to either the Registrar's office at Eden Grove, or to the local Police Station in Beaufort Street.


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