To find a case online you need to first determine which set of Law Reports the case is reported in. The abbreviation "SA" in the case you are looking for, refers to the South African Law Reports which are published by Juta. You need to go to the Law Subject guide (Libguide) and access Juta Online, as follows:
On the library webpage, click on Subject Guides
Click on Law, then Law Library
On the Law subject guide, click on the tab " Databases/e-resources/articles/journals"
Select the Juta Online database
When you are on Juta Online, go to the "Advanced Search" drop down menu (top left on screen) and select "Law Reports search"
You will then get a search box on your screen. From the list of Law Reports on the left side of your screen, remember to select "South African Law Reports" by ticking the box next to this option. Now you can type in the case name or the citation (Year, volume & page), or both.
Click Search and you will have your law report or case.
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