Answered By: Ayanda Qomfo
Last Updated: Nov 29, 2018     Views: 39

Question :

How much do I need to pay in fines for an overdue book?

Answer :

If the material that you have loaned is overdue you will pay 50 cents per day for an overdue book, R2 per hour for a Short Loan book and R5 per day for a DVD. 

Please note you may renew books that are on loan, however DVDs and short loan items can not be renewed

How do I renew my book loans?

Renew the loans yourself via your library record
Take the book and your student card to the Loans Desk (on Level 1) and ask the Loans Desk staff to renew your loan period.

Note: You may renew your book loans up to three times unless another library user has reserved the book



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