Answered By: Ayanda Qomfo
Last Updated: Nov 29, 2018     Views: 20

Question :

I am an Honors student in Computer Science and I was having trouble trying to get hold of any sources to do with theater environments

Answer :

Try searching the various databases, e.g. EBSCOhost (Academic Search Premier), Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar

Find the links to these at

 For example  search using the search string: 

SU theat* AND (stage management OR set up OR lighting) -----------[the SU before theat* stands for Subject]

You will no doubt have to add other terms, e.g. control/design, etc – depending on exactly what you are looking for

 You will need to be specific in the search terms you use (remember that when searching for theatre you should search both the American and English spellings -   theatre OR theater  (you can do this by using the truncated search term:  theat*)

 Eg. Link to search on Ebscohost for the above search string*%29+AND+%28stage+management+OR+set+%22up%22+OR+lighting%29&bdata=JmRiPWFwaCZ0eXBlPTAmc2l0ZT1laG9zdC1saXZl

If you need further help please feel free to visit your Faculty Librarians on level 2 of the library.




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