Answered By: Sue Rionda
Last Updated: Nov 29, 2018     Views: 29

Question :

Are there fines for overdue materials?

Answer :

We have to make sure that our books are equally available to all. 

Therefore, library users who return their books after the due date, will be fined as follows:

Open shelf books

    R0.50 per book per day

Short Loan books

    R2.00 per hour

48 hour material (books and DVDs)


Open shelf material overdue for more than a month

    R320 automatic billing*

If you do not return your book at all, the Library will charge a replacement fee to your student account.

*The automatic billing can be reversed as soon as the material is returned to the library. If the material is not returned then a quote will be requested and the exact replacement cost of the material may be charged from the students’ bank account.

 Do the right thing!  Please ensure all book & AV items are returned to the library, so that these resources are available going forward for other students, staff & visitors.



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